Tell Me About the Collaborative Dispute Resolution Process

Collaborative Practice, like mediation, allows clients to work together to respectfully resolve disputes outside of court, seeking options that will serve the interests of all clients and other affected persons. If there is to be a continuing relationship among the participants, and creates the possibility for a positive one.

The Collaborative Practice model involves the building of a team of professionals around the client, each having, at the least, their own attorney as the foundation of the team. The process takes place through a series of regular meetings in which the clients have their professionals present to assist them.

All of the professionals are retained with the sole purpose of helping the couple reach an agreement; none of them is permitted to “represent” either person in court. To find out more:

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If you are interested in Collaborative Practice to help you to help you to divorce, separate or coparent, or to create any type of agreement with your fiancé, spouse, partner or someone you are living or parenting with,our professionals are trained to make this a productive and positive process. You are invited to contact any of these professionals, all of whom would be pleased to answer your questions about Collaborative Practice and to help you decide if it is the right process for you. For more information about Collaborative Practice visit Collaborative Practice East Bay, Collaborative Practice San Francisco or Collaborative Practice Marin and Sonoma